El Salvador Single Origin Coffee – Red Bourbon ABM


The Tekisic variety (improved bourbon) comes from the selection process of the traditional Bourbon variety, started in the year 1,949. In 1.973, the planting of elite plants was established in the Experimental Station (Santa Tecla), it was released as a commercial variety TEKISIC in 1.976 for its ideal characteristics of production and quality in cup. It consists of the words TEKITI which means work in the Nahuat language, and ISIC, which stands for Salvadoran Coffee Research Institute. It is the main cultivated variety in the country with approximately 50% of the total area.

The main characteristics of the plant are: Slightly conical shape, high bearing, abundant laterals, long internodes, flexible stem, medium leaves, light green terminal shoots; the large fruit of red color, excellent quality of drink; under conditions of strict height citrus and fruit flavors prevail.

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1.Finca Las Veraneras – Apaneca Ilamatepec Mountain Range (Ahuachapan & Santa Ana) – Blue Harvest

a)Plantation Size: 20 Hectareas cultivated with Coffee Rust Resistant varietals at ~1000 MASL

b)Varietals: San Pacho, Red Bourbon, and Pacas

c)Processes: Black Honey, Naturals, Semi Washed, and Washed in Raised Beds and under shade.

d)Agricultural Maintanance: Agroecologic and BioDynamic

Additional information

Grind type

Fine – Espresso, Filter – Brewing Method/Drip, Ground for French Press, Whole Bean


12 Oz. -340 grs., 16 Oz. – 454 grs.